
2024-05-20 10:23

1. 找关于介绍酒店前厅服务的英语文章....

酒店前厅英语 :前厅服务常用口语 酒店前厅英语 (一) Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临。 Can I help you? 我能帮您忙吗? What kind of room would you like, sir? 先生,您要什么样的房间? Please wait a moment. I have to check if there is a room available. 请稍等,我查一下有没有空房。 酒店前厅英语 (二) Enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们这里住的愉快。 May I know your name and your room number, please? 我可以知道您的名字和房间号码吗? Excuse me ,sir, could you spell your name? 请问您的名字如何拼写? Here’s your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。 酒店前厅英语 (三) I’m sorry to keep you waiting, sir. What can I do for you? 先生,对不起,让您久等了。我能为您做点什么吗? Please wait your turn. 请排队等候。 May I known your name, please? 请问尊姓大名?(不认识客人时用) I’m sorry, sir. Our hotel rooms are all booked at this moment. We have no vacancy. 对不起,先生。我们已经客满,没有空房间。 酒店前厅英语 (四) Don’t mention it. My pleasure. 请不要客气,我乐意效劳。 Have a good rest, sir. 先生,请好好休息。 Good morning, sir. Can I be of service to you? 早安,先生。我可否为您效劳? A moment, please. I will be with you as soon as possible. 请稍等片刻。我将尽快帮您办。 酒店前厅英语 (五) Here is your bill, sir. 先生,这是您的帐单。 Please wait a moment while I calculate your bill. 请稍等片刻,我立刻就把您的帐单结算出来。 We accept the following credit cards,madam. 小姐,我们接受以下几种信用卡。 Please sign here, sir. 先生,请在这签上您的名字。 酒店前厅英语 (六) We hope you will come stay with us again. 希望您再光临我们酒店。 Would you please exchange us dollars for RMB. please? 麻烦您替我将美元兑成人民币好吗? The rates of exchange are on the board, sir. 先生,请参考告示牌的外币兑换价。 I’m sorry but We do not exchange Hong Kong dollars into Japanese yen. 对不起,我们不能将港币换成日元。 酒店前厅英语 (七) Please could I see your passport or other identification, madam? 小姐,请出示您的护照或其它身份证明文件。 Be sure to keep it. 请好好保存。 Please check it. 请点一下。


2. 关于酒店前台接待工作流程的英语

      5) 电脑入住,通知客房部
1我们必须提供干净的空房间给客人入住,并且房行要根据客人预定时候的要求予以安排.                    2如果客人以现金形式付费,我们应该很礼貌的向客人告知,在入住之前需要交押金,押金的金额是总共的房费+每天五百块的杂项押金。如果客人以信用卡方式结帐,我们需要确认其信用卡是否为有效真实卡,并要出授权。

3. 关于酒店前厅英语单词

请用于参考 门市客(Walk-in)----未经预定而进入饭店要求入住的宾客。 出租房(Occupied)----有宾客现时正入住着此房间。 免费房(Complimentary)----客房处于出租状态,但住客不需要付租金。 续住房(Stayover)----住客今天不离店,至少还会住一晚。 打扫房(On-change)----住客已离店,但客房处于尚未清扫完毕可供出租的状态。 请勿打扰房(Do not disturb)----住客要求不要打扰。 外出过夜房(Sleep-out)----住客开了房,但未使用。 未结帐房(Skipper)----住客未做结帐安排已离开了饭店。 空置房(Sleeper)----住客已结帐离开饭店,但是前厅员工未及时更改客房状态。 待售房(Vacant and ready)----客房已打扫并检查完毕可供出租给来店的宾客。 待修房(Out-of-order)----不能给宾客使用的客房,客房处于待修状态有许多原因,包括需要维护保养、重新装修以及彻底清扫。 双锁房(Lock-out)----客房被加了锁,住客因此不能进入,需要与饭店管理层澄清一些问题 后才会恢复租用。 已结帐的在租房(D NCO did not checkout)----住客已对结帐做好了安排(所以不是未结帐房)但是离店前未通知前厅。 即将离店房(Due-out)----住客将于次日退房。 走客房(Check-out)----住客已结帐,交回了钥匙,离开了饭店。 延时离店房(Late check-out)----住客要求在饭店规定的离店时间以后退房,并以得到准许。 单人房(Single)----供一人住的客房。可能有一张床或不止一张床。 双人房(Double)----供二人住的客房。可能有一张床或不止一张床。 三人房(Triple)----供三人住的客房。可能有两张床或不止两张床。 四人房(Quad)----供四人住的客房。可能有两张床或不止两张床。 大号双人床(Queen)----房内有一张大号双人床(Queen size bed),可以住一人或不止一人。 特大号双人床(King)----房内有一张特大号双人床(King size bed),可以住一人或不止一 人。 双床间(Twin)----房内有两张相同尺寸的床。可以住一人或不止一人。 两张双人床间(Double-double)----房内有两张双人床。可以住一人或不止一人。 沙发床房(Studio)----房内有一张沙发床----长沙发可当床用。房内也可能还有一张床。 小套间(Mini-suite or junior suite)----在一单人房内,除了床还有起居区域。在有些饭店,卧室与起居室不在同一房间内。 套间(Suite)----一个起居室连带一卧室或不止一个卧室。 连通房(Connecting room)----客房除了分别有单独房门外,客房之间有门连通。宾客可以 不经外走廊到达另一房间。 相连房(Adjoining room)----客房之间有公共墙,但无连通门。 相邻房(Adjacent room)----客房与客房靠得很近,也可能隔着走廊。 后台(Back of the house)----指饭店内的某些部门,其员工不与宾客直接接触,如工程、财务和人力资源部。 国际金钥匙协会(Clef d’Or)----国际大厅服务主管协会,要获得大厅服务主管头衔,必须申请成为国际金钥匙协会的会员。 密集工作型排班(compressed work schedule)----一种不同于每天8小时的排班方法,员工在不到5个工作日完成原规定一周的工作小时。 基本功能(essential functions)----美国残疾人协会使用的术语,根据EEOC,某一岗位的基本功能是指任职人能独立地或使用合理设施后履行的职能。 弹性工时(flextime)----弹性工作时间安排,员工可自行安排开始和结束工作的时间。 前台(front of the house)----饭店的一些职能部门,那些部门的员工频繁地接触宾客,如餐饮部和前厅部。 岗位职责(job description)----一份说明某个岗位的主要职责以及上下级关系、相应的责任、工作条件和必须使用的设备和资料。 工作分担(job sharing)----一种由两位以上兼职员工妥善安排、共同承担的全日制岗位的工作。 任职条件(job specification)----一份关于完成某一岗位职责所必须具备的个人资格、技能及素质的说明。 宗旨陈述(mission statement)----一份陈述饭店独特目标以有别于其他饭店的文件。宗旨陈述表达了饭店所遵循的理念、饭店活动的含义和方向,以及宾客、管理者和员工三者的利益。 组织机构表(organization chat)----用图表形式展示某一组织内部各岗位之间的关系,各自在组织中的地位、责任区域和权力范围。 合理设施(reasonable accommodation)-----美国残疾人协会的专用术语。用一种不同寻常的做法,使合格但有残疾的人参与工作。做这种改变可以逐步进行,无须雇主强行履行。 营收中心(revenue center)----指饭店向宾客销售产品和服务从而直接取得营业收入的部门 如前厅、餐饮部各营业点、房内用膳和零售点等都是饭店主要 营收中心。 策略(strategy)----部门为实现其计划目标而制定的方法。 支援中心(support center)----饭店内不直接创造营业收入,但对创收部门给予支持的部门,包括客房部、财务部、工程维修部和人力资源部。 方法(tactics)----为贯彻策略而制定的每日运转步骤。 门市客(walk-in)----未经预定而进入饭店要求入住的宾客。 电话计费系统(Call accounting system CAS)----一个连接饭店电话系统的装置,可以根据客房打出的电话号码正确地计费以及传输费用。 对客服务全过程(guest cycle)----描述饭店经营流程的一种说法,以宾客和员工面对面接触和交易为其特征。 客帐(guest filio)----一张记录某个人或某间客房的交易情况的表格(纸制或电子表)。 客室档案(guest history file)----一份汇总饭店与曾经是住店宾客间有关信息的宾客历史资料档案。 饭店信用额度(house’limit)----由饭店方面制定的信用额度。 问讯目录(information list)----一份按入住宾客字母顺序排列的索引,用来转接电话、传递邮件、留言以及回答访客问讯。 漏帐(late charge)----一笔应该记入客帐的交易,但在宾客离店后这笔记录才进入前厅登帐 系统。 饭店电脑管理系统(property management system PMS)----一个电脑软件模块组合用于支持饭店多种前后台经营管理活动。 入住登记表(registration card)----一张印制好的用于记录入住信息的表格。 订房记录(reservation card)----一份电子文件,记录宾客的有关资料,如抵店日期,需要的 客房类型,预付的定金,来店人数等。 预定记录(reservation file)----一份订房记录的汇总文件。 收款凭证(voucher)----一份要登入到电子帐单上去的记录详细交易内容的文件;在营业点未与前厅系统连接时用来传递交易信息。 用支付定金的方法作保证类预定(advance deposit guaranteed reservation)----一种保证类预订的方法,要求宾客在抵店前付给饭店一笔指定数额的钱款。 直属预订网络(Affiliate reservation network)----



4. 关于酒店前台接待工作流程的英语


5. 与酒店工作有关的英语

酒店英语词汇(一)rent   租金
bill    账单
manager 经理
attendant 服务员
desk clerk 值班服务员
waiter (餐厅)服务员
waitress (餐厅)女服务员  酒店英语词汇(二)information desk 问讯处
reception office 接待室
hotel register 旅客登记簿
registration form 登记表
newsstand 售报处
postal service 邮局服务处  酒店英语词汇(三)shop 小卖部
bar 酒吧间
lounge 休息厅
roof garden 屋顶花园
billiard-room 球房
dining-room, dining hall 餐厅
men's room 男盥洗室
ladies' room 女盥洗室
cloak-room 存衣处
basement 地下室
cellar 地窖  酒店英语词汇(四)broom closet 杂物室
room number 房间号码
room key 房间钥匙
suite 一套房间
single room 单人房间
double room 双人房间
sitting-room, living-room 起居室 酒店英语词汇(五)sofa, settee 长沙发
easy chair 安乐椅
armchair 扶手椅
wicker chair 藤椅
folding chair 叠椅
swivel chair 转椅
rocking chair 摇椅
stool 凳子
stool 凳子
bench 条凳
tea table 茶几
desk 书桌
bookcase 书橱
bookshelf 书架
wardrobe 衣柜
built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱
chest of drawers 五斗橱  酒店英语词汇(六)screen 屏风
hat rack 帽架
rug 小地毯
carpet 大地毯
single bed 单人床
double bed 双人床
twin beds 成对床
mattress 褥子  酒店英语词汇(七)quilt 被
blanket 毯子
sheet 床单
bedspread 床罩
cotton terry blanket 毛巾被
pillow 枕头
pillow 枕头
pillowcase 枕套
mat 席
cushion 垫子  酒店英语词汇(八)bathroom 浴室
bath tub 浴盆
shower bath, shower 淋浴
cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头
sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头
dressingtable 梳妆台
mirror 镜子
washbasin 洗脸盆
towel 毛巾  酒店英语词汇(九)toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间
water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶
toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸
bath towel 浴巾
bathrobe 浴衣
towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架
sponge 海绵
waste-paper basket 废纸篓
thermometer 温度计  酒店英语词汇(十)balcony 阳台
balcony 阳台
sash window 上下开关窗
shutters 百叶窗
transom, transom window 气窗
curtain 窗帘
lace curtain 挑花窗帘
windowsill 窗台  酒店英语词汇(十一)  air-conditioned 有空调设备的
radiator 暖气片
central heating 暖气
ashtray 烟灰碟
smoking set 烟具
electric fan 电扇酒店英语词汇(十二)chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
desk lamp 台灯
bedside lamp 床头灯
floor lamp 落地灯
wall lamp 壁灯
lampshade 灯罩
bulb holder 灯头
bulb 灯泡
screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡
bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡
frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡
opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡  酒店英语词汇(十三)switch 开关
socket 插座
plug 插头
telephone 电话
electric iron 电熨斗
peg, hook 衣钩
clothes-hanger 衣架
door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫 餐具英语:bill of fare, menu 菜单,菜谱 
wine list 酒单 
table 餐桌 
to lay the table, to set the table 摆桌子 
to wait at table 侍候用餐 
to clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌子 
tablecloth 桌布 
napkin, serviette 餐巾 
cutlery 餐具 
fork 叉 
spoon 匙 
teaspoon 茶匙 
ladle 长柄勺 
knife 刀 
dishes, crockery 器皿 
dish, plate 碟,盘 
soup dish, soup plate 汤盘 
(serving) dish 大盘子 (美作:platter) 
soup tureen 盛汤盖碗 
salad bowl 色拉盘 
fruit dish 水果盘 
fruit bowl 水果钵 
sauce boat, gravy boat 调味汁瓶,酱油壶 
glass 玻璃杯 
bottle 瓶子 
carafe, decanter 玻璃水瓶 
cup 杯子 
saucer 小碟 
sugar bowl 糖罐 
glass service, glassware 玻璃器皿 
tea service, tea set 茶具 
teapot 茶壶 
coffee service, coffee set 咖啡具 
coffeepot 咖啡壶 
salt shaker 盐瓶 
cruet 调味瓶架 
tray 托盘 
常见的菜名有许多 ,国内的和国外的,在网上可以查得到 。


6. 写一篇关于宾馆介绍的英语短文

Southern Airlines Pearl Hotel is a modern business hotel built on a five star standard by China Southern Airlines Co. ltd., which locates at the Airport Road 5 in southern district of new Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport. The hotel is covered the area of 54,000 square meters.Only for the main building, RMB 3.4billion has been invested.All the well-trained professional staffs warmly welcome you with courtesy and make you feel like at home. It is the best living place for passengers waiting for airplanes, visitors for meetings and tourists form all over the world.
    The hotel building is elegantly and stylishly designed. There are all kinds of facilities, such as 24-hour business center, indoor swimming pool, separated badminton room, and so on, providing the best for the customers.
    The hotel offers accommodation in 328 rooms including presidential suite, executive suite and standard room. Each room is luxuriously decorated with modern amenities such as central air-conditioner, cable TV, telephone, and fire alarm. You will feel comfortable and safe in each room. The hotel offers 24-hour check in service, and the check out time is before noon everyday. Moreover, if you occupy a suite, you can enjoy the services as follow: you can enjoy breakfast for free; the hotel provides snack and drinks the whole day; you can use the hotel swimming pool and gym house for free; you can have one suit ironed; the hotel will confirm your ticket and help you check in for free; provides all kinds of magazines and newspaper; check out time can be postponed to 6 p.m.
    The servers are on-train Air hostesses who have been trained by the professional programmer. Under their kindness、gentle and ebullient service, you can verily feel like at home.

7. 求一篇英语500字的酒店前厅部简介。

The aim of a hotel is to create a home away from home for all the travelling guests who need rest, food and drink.
    The front office of a hotel is not only its “shop window” but also its “nerve center” .The front office staff’s efficiency and personality are of great importance to guest’s vacation or business, and indeed, the hotel’s operation itself are made or ruined.
    The front office staff seem to “do it all” - receive reservations, register guests, assign rooms, distribute baggage, store guests’ valuables, provide information, deliver mails and messages, exchange foreign currencies, check room occupancies, check guests out and so on.
    In order to fulfil these tasks, the staff must have a neat and smart appearance, good manners, adaptability, knowledge of languages and a head for figures. The most important of all the qualities is a real liking for people and a warm desire to help them.
    Besides, front desk staff should encourage and settle the guests’ complaints. That will soothe an unhappy guest and reveal the hotel’s problems so that the operation can be bettered.
    In short, all staff ought to remember that the hotel will enjoy greater financial success only with the greater satisfaction the guests receive from the “home away from home”.


8. 我想应聘酒店前厅 帮我用英文写一篇自我介绍吧






1. 完成经理下达的各项销售任务。

2. 整理现有客户资料,总结其消费特性,并有计划的开发新的客户。

3. 依据客户消费的特性,利用现有资源,制定出季节性、年度性以及时代


4. 定期回访客户,做好销售回访报告,并为每次回访建立档案。

5. 遵守部门工作制度及程序,积极向老员工学习,有事与部门经理及时沟


6. 不断的充实自我,学习酒店营销知识,努力提高自己的业务工作能力。¤


Following is my own writing on the part of candidates, Please fill you help me modify the content.

¤ by virtue of their interest in the hotel industry, as well as travel on weekdays League, books view, I understand that the Department of Hotel Lobby of the vanguards of the entire hotel, the team forward. Hotel products and related services need to forward the Office of the Department of Marketing staff will these or recommend tangible or intangible to the customer. There is a need for the customer to the hotel there is a preliminary impression and understanding.

Hotel Lobby of the Department of the central nervous system of the entire hotel. Because he should shoulder to services, scheduling operations, the coordination of various departments, improve work efficiency, and the image of a hotel and a series of tasks. , The hotel is in the process of spending an arbitrary every procedure is designed to Lobby of the work of the Department, we can see that the work of the Department Lobby Central.

Hotel Lobby of the hotel or the driving force for the entire core. Hotels in the competitive service, upscale hotel is not only advantage is inferior. Then use of the existing products and related services supporting the development of promotional resources, preferential schemes to promote the various departments throughout the hotel product sales boom. Such as: cards can be introduced Member integral, integral method can be based on the consumption of the hotel, such as: accommodation, dining, recreation, and other consumption to the amount of cumulative number of different scores. After accumulating a certain percentile in the next consumption can enjoy the actual cash to use certain products or concessions to Longlao existing customers and to develop new customers.

If I entered the Lobby of the work of the Department, I will do the following:

1. Managers completed the issuance of the sales tasks.

2. Collation of existing customer information, review their consumption characteristics, and there are plans to develop new customers.

3. Consumption based on the characteristics of clients, use of existing resources, develop a seasonal, annual, as well as the times

Marketing theme of the programme.

4. Regularly visit customers, do a good job re-sales report, as well as the re-establishment of each file.

5. Observe the work systems and procedures, and actively studying the old staff, emergency department manager and timely Ditch


6. Continuously enrich themselves and learning hotel marketing knowledge, and strive to improve their operational capacity. ¤

Above contains three parts of the Lobby of the Department of understanding Lobby of the functions of marketing, how they will work. Please help me now filled all three parts, thanks! ! !